I AM BACKKK!! I cannot remember the last time I left this blog without any updates for so long. I went into holiday mode and I loved it, for two whole weeks I ate pasta everyday, drank a minimum of one Aperol Spritz per day, read five books, got myself a tan... and shot 11 rolls of film. So this week on the blog will deffo be Italy focused. A little history for those of you who don't know; Tropea is a small town in Calabria, where my Uncle Luigi lives, and Mum and I visit every yea. This was my 20th (!!!) visit there, so it's fair to say I know it like the back of my hand now. I have created so much content here throughout the years too. It is such a picturesque place, it's impossible not to get a little snap happy when you're there. Mum and I had the first week there on our own, and Ben came out the following week for a few days there, then him and I headed to Sicily for a week. In an amazing stroke of coincidence, Ben's family is from the town next door to Tropea, so this wasn't his first time there either. We all had the best time, and I have come back home to England feeling so refreshed, and above all SO inspired! The first time I have taken a holiday in a long time, and I didn't know how much I needed it and how much I need to take having time off a little more seriously than I have in the past.
So, here is the film from Tropea. I have Sicily content to come, and so much more. But this felt like a good place to start! Enjoy, and I missed you all! xxx
BLACK SANDALS c/o ARKET, SHORTS c/o BEC & BRIDGE (these ones look like a good alternative), T-SHIRT FROM SAVE THE CHILDREN