September is here which, no matter what the weather decides to do, always feels like the end of Summer. And what a Summer it has been. One I will never forget, and will forever look back on with so much fondness and happiness. A Summer of travel, love, friends, scorching days in London and Aperol Spritz’ around Europe. I have been exhausted and too uprooted at points, but it’s all been for the best possible reasons. I got on more flights than I can count, split myself between two cities as best I could, created content I love so much and pushed myself in so many new ways. I loved wearing shorts that made me look like I was on my way to P.E, I loved being bare faced almost every single day and finding new confidence in that.
To end Summer I have some photos from my last trip to share. A week sailing around the Greek islands, with a few days in Athens on either side. It was bliss, I read a book a day, got so tanned, ate enough Feta cheese to last me a lifetime. Like I said, a holiday to remember, and I have never switched off as much as I managed too on that week at sea.
So let this be our final nod to Summer, before Autumn arrives and the Autumn/Winter outfits and content with that too!