Those of you who watch my YouTube channel will know I am trying to re-evaluate how I am taking on so many clothes, and what I want my wardrobe to be. With a career that offers almost endless possibilities when it comes to gifting of clothes, it's taken me some time and some trial and error to work out how I want to situate myself within that landscape. As I have said before, as a fashion lover, when a brand I love reach out and offer me free clothes (often on a monthly basis too), of course it's something I (and most people!) jump at the chance of. It's only as I get older, as I understand the damaging aspects of that level of consumption, that I want to move away from that way of working. And not solely through larger environmental motivations, but far more personal ones. I know I am not alone in feeling a strong call for having less, after spending all my teenage years and early 20s wanting more more more, always imagining the next thing in my wardrobe and how much better it might make me feel and all the different ways I would style it, it was a never ending cycle that I think has finally been broken by the rhetoric of the moment which is influencing us all to want less and live a more minimal lifestyle. As I say all the time, this (albeit gradual) switch in how I am feeling about my own wardrobe doesn't negate my love for fashion. I am still an advocate for shopping and how good a new item can make you feel, I just want to seek that feeling with far less frequency, and make sure every item has a lot of thought behind it.
Part of this endeavour is going to involve me sharing every new piece I get with you guys in a blog post. I think it's going to enforce even more transparency from me; to explain if I bought the piece and why, if I have been sent it and why did I accept it, if I reached out to a brand and asked for it, if it's been sent to me as part of paid project. I think it will be a good way to also hold myself accountable to this shift in my content I want to take place.
So, with this in mind, welcome these white Reformation trousers. They were sent to me as they are soon opening a store on Westbourne Grove in Notting Hill, and so they have been outreaching British influencers as part of this. I am a huge Reformation fan, I have shopped there for about three years now ever since my first trip to LA, and it's always on my hit list whenever I am back there. Most of my Reformation pieces are dresses, but this time I picked out these white trousers. Reformation class them as jeans, but they are far more lightweight than denim, morel like a cotton fabric. I love the shape down the leg and the high waist that is super flattering. So far I have just worn them twice for some causal looks, but I think they will be easy to dress up. A great piece for this time of year too, to wear with a t-shirt on any warm days we have left, and for more Autumnal looks too!
I styled them up in two ways over the weekend. Firstly with my Toteme knit which I am LOVING! It's got a black mark on it now from wearing my camera cross body like this, so is currently at the dry cleaners and I am missing it dearly. I recently rewore these slip on Vans to the gym the other week, and its reignited my love for them. They are kind of scruffy now but I love them all the more for that.
The second outfit also involved some Toteme. This jacket is PERFECT for this time of year. With a black t-shirt underneath, my belt and brogues on, I really loved this outfit and thought it was the perfect looks for meetings in the daytime that transitioned into dinner and drinks at night.